How to Make Events an Immersive Experience

In the universe of events, the main objective is to captivate the public's attention in such a way that they don't feel the time pass. And, for that, the more immersed he is in the offered context, the more successful his programming will be. For this, technology has contributed positively to the creation of an immersive experience.

In addition to marketing techniques such as storytelling, which involves people through the content offered to them, using elements such as augmented reality, interactive and mapped projection are actions that add value to your event or convention.

What is an immersive experience?

Offering an immersive experience means making your guest feel completely within the theme proposed by your event. In this universe, technology is increasingly focusing on humans creating a fusion between the mental, physical and digital universe.

These innovations have proven to be very efficient for companies to work their products indirectly, offering, more and more, the values ​​with which it agrees, or more playfully, creating different scenarios that before would be presented in a more banal way.

How to create an immersive experience?

Always keep in mind that, to immerse a person in a context, it is necessary to work practically all of your senses. Only then will the experience be complete. Some techniques work in this direction and, when combined with intelligence, can raise the level of your productions. Check out some:

Mapped projection

Perfect for creating bold sets, projection mapping lets you create projections on uneven surfaces such as stages, structures, facades and walls. Have you ever thought about creating an entire environment that interacts with the music and visual effects offered to the guest?

Interactive projection

Unlike the mapped projection, the interactive one moves according to the interaction it receives from people. Widely used on floors and walls, it is one of the most modern technologies in the field of events. Similarly, people are transformed into mice that generate projection commands.

Augmented reality

Augmented reality is a technology used to unite the real world with the Event Production Services in New York City, through the use of a marker, webcam or smartphone. With it, it is possible to insert virtual objects in the physical environment, shown to the user in real time.

Artifices to create an immersive experience abound. Just choose which one best suits the proposal you want to offer and collect the result that this different experience will generate in your audience.

Read more: Tips for Choosing Equipment Rental Companies at NYC




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