Innovation: 4 Ideas for Using Technology in Events and Training!

Ceremonies, celebrations and internal training are an excellent end marketing tool that, in addition to making the company pass a good image to its employees, help to transmit knowledge. However, to make this strategy even more efficient, it is recommended that entrepreneurs, or those responsible for marketing, and internal communication bet on the use of technology in events.

In this way, your event will attract more public attention, which will also be attracted by technological actions. This will make people actively participate in activities and not just act as mere spectators, without any kind of interaction between sender and receiver, for example.

So that you know how to innovate and use technology Event Production Services, we separate 4 ideas. Follow us and check out right now how to make your event more captivating.

1. Streaming

Do you know when you would really like to have a speaker at an organizational event, but he is not available to go there or the costs of transportation and accommodation are too high?

In cases like this, using tools that allow the display of lectures via videoconference in streaming can be an interesting alternative, since the technology allows transmissions to be made from anywhere in the world.

Interactivity is also not impaired, as through a mediator or a chat present on the streaming platform itself, people who are watching the lecture can send questions to the lecturer.

2. Virtual reality

Digital communication and insertion journalism: how big data, artificial intelligence, augmented reality and the internet of things are changing the production of informative content”, is optimistic when talking about virtual reality in communication business.

In his work, Santos defends that virtual reality or augmented reality can be useful to simulate events through applications and equipment, such as VR glasses. Such a tool allows people to replicate certain situations, such as the operation of equipment on the company's production line.

In addition, it is also possible to use augmented reality glasses so that training participants are immersed in a different scenario, without having to get up from their chairs.

3. Drones

Drones are a good tool for covering and recording an event, since it is possible to take wide images, such as an entire park or campus where a conference is being held, for example.

It is also possible to make available, via social networks or at physical points of the event, the live transmission of the images being taken by the drone at a given moment.

4. Interactive Dashboards

To increase engagement in presentations and lectures, speakers can replace traditional slides with interactive panels with touch screens, so that actions are much more dynamic.

Thus, with touches on the screen, the speaker can play videos , show examples in images, display textual topics, etc. It is also possible that the audience, through smaller screens, such as tablets, has access to complementary content to what is being said in the lecture.

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